What is new in Admini2017    ?

What is new in Admini2017  -  2018 March 08:


All databases have been changed to .accdb databases.

The statistics programs have been changed to .xlsm programs.


Drive a: has been replaced with an address to the cloud.

What is new in Admini2017 - 2020 May 02:


You can see on admini's front page, if your files in C:\admini are older than the files in the Cloud.

That is, you can see if another has uploaded to the cloud e.g. by use of OneDrive or Dropbox.

tblEmailTexts has been moved to a new database: YourName_MyAdminiData.accdb.

Different people therefore can use different e-mail texts.

When you change data on some of the forms, it will be recorded with your initial in tblJournalSignatureDate.

All users must have Admini on their computer. The Cloud is only used to exchange the files between the users and to backup.

You must arrange with the other users, who administrate the club at a given time.

When the job is done, you send the files to the Cloud.

Another can then download the files and take over the administration.